Saturday, June 30, 2012

Carocok Beach

Attractions Beaches Carocok. This beach has sand, very clean and white, has a gently sloping beach to swim so they can for children and adults, the water was very clear at all. This region is faced with two islands is the Kereta island and the cingkuak island . From a distance also appears semangki the Kereta island with beautiful scenery and the water is very clear. Carocok is located in the Painan, Painan is the capital of the South Coastal District and the capital district of IV Jurai, distance from the city of Padang is only ± 75 km, if traveling to use the car or motorcycles only takes about 2 hours drive.

Friday, June 29, 2012

tourdesingkarak (Sport and Tourism)

    Tourdesingkarak is annual fair that is held by government of West Sumatera province. There are two program are held at the same time a year. firstly, international cycle race and secondly, the cultures celebration. so, the tourist can enjoy two different things coincident.
     Singkarak is the name of the lake in Solok regency and it is the route of the race. it realy interesting to visit.
 for more information you can visit this link

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bukittinggi city (the central tourism place of west sumatera)

Development of tourism is one of the leading sectors for the town of Bukittinggi, many exciting attractions, making this city dubbed as the "tourist city". Currently in the town of Bukittinggi has been there about 60 hotels and 15 travel agencies. Hotels located in the town of Bukittinggi, among others, The Hills (formerly Novotel), hotels Pusako and so on.
Sianok canyon valley is one of the main tourist attractions. Panorama Park is located in the town of Bukittinggi allow tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. Inside the park there is also a cave Panorama former Japanese soldier hiding during World War II it's called Japanese's hole Bukittinggi.

In the park there is a replica of Bundo Kanduang Tower House which serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, Bukittinggi Zoo and Fort de Kock is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the street A. Yani which is the main street in the town of Bukittinggi.

Pasa Ateh (Market above) are adjacent to the Clock Tower which is downtown. In the market there are many  handicrafts sellers and embroidery as well as snacks souvenirs typical of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips) made from cassava, Karupuak Jangek made from cow or buffalo leather and Karak Kaliang , a kind of typical Bukittinggi snacks shaped like a figure 8. Currently, he also has built several modern shopping centers in the town of Bukittinggi.
Bukittinggi is about 3 hours from padang city, the capital of West Sumatera. it can reach by public transportation.

Merapi Mountain - Agam Regency

Mount Merapi, also known as Merapi or Berapi has a height of 2891.3 m above sea level. As one of the most active mountain in Sumatra, Merapi has erupted frequently. As from the late 18th century until 2008 there was approximately 454 times eruption, 50 of them in large scale, while the rest are in small scale by removing the sulfur ash.

Among the many mountains in West Sumatra, Mount Merapi is a tourist attraction that is often visited by tourists. Mount Merapi have a fixed path for hikers, making it easier for the hikers to make the hiking. On this mountain, there is growing interest edelwis blooming around the mountainside, which adds to the beautiful view of Mount Merapi.
Mount Merapi, some side are included to Agam District and partly in the district of Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, Indonesia. To reach the foot of Mount Merapi is quite easy, considering it is situated not far from the town of Bukittinggi and Padang Panjang. From Padang city or BIM (Bandar Udar Minangkabau) airport to Mount Merapi, it took about 2 hours to get to the location. Meanwhile, if departed from the town of Bukittinggi takes about 30 minutes. Transportation to reach the location can be reached by landline, can use public transport or travel.

Monas Monument

National Monument, known as Monument or Tugu Monas Square is located at Monas field, Central Jakarta, was built in 1960. The National Monument is one of the memorial is erected to commemorate the resistance and the Indonesian people's struggle against the Dutch colonialists.

Form of memorial that one is very unique, is the cornerstone obeliks marble yoni phallus-shaped fertility symbol based on Hindu culture. This monument towering as high as 132 meters (other versions say 137 meters height is calculated with the existing space under the ground 5 meters).

At the top there is a National Monument that sustains the cup-shaped bronze torches weighing up to 14.5 tons and 35 kg of gold coated. Torch or flame burning is a symbol of the spirit of struggle of the people of Indonesia who was never extinguished in achieving independence. It is said that at the time of Indonesia celebrates 50 years of independence in 1995 a number of Indonesian businessmen donated a number of gold so that the total weight of gold that coats the flame of freedom on top of the Monas to 50 pounds. The National Memorial was built in an area of ​​80 hectares. The architect who designed this monument is Soedarsono and Frederich Silaban, a consultant Ir. Rooseno, began construction in August 1959, and was inaugurated August 17, 1961 by President Sukarno. Monument was officially opened to the public on July 12, 1975.

Court of the peak with an area of ​​11 meters x 11 meters can accommodate as many as 50 visitors. At around the body there evelator emergency stairs made of iron. From the top of the monument Monas courtyard, visitors can enjoy views across the city. Directions to the south stands firmly in the distance Mount Salak in Bogor regency, West Java, stretching north sea with small islands scattered about. While the West extends the Soekarno-Hatta Airport every time it appeared the plane took off. From the top platform, 17 feet to the top, there are flames made of bronze, weighing 14.5 tons and a diameter of 6 m, consists of 77 parts are united. the top courtyard of the monument in the form of " the Fire will never go out" which means that symbolizes the Nation Indonesia so the fight has never subsided all time. High court of the cup from the bottom of 17 m and 8 meters of space history museum. Area of ​​a square-shaped courtyard, measuring 45 meters x 45 meters, is the preservation of sacred number Proclamation of Independence (17-8-1945).

visitors area of Monas, who will climb the peak of the court of Monas monument or museum, can be through the entrance on the plaza surrounding the park Merdeka Square, in the north of Monument Park. Nearby there is a fountain and statue of Prince Diponegoro who was riding a horse made of bronze, weighing 8 tons.
The statue was created by Italian sculptor, Prof.. Coberlato as a donation by the Consulate General of Honores, Dr. Mario in Indonesia. Through the tunnel that is 3 feet below the park and cross the road this monument, the entrance of visitors to the top of Monas monument fenced "Yellow Bamboo". Basic foundation of monument as high as 3 meters, at the bottom there is the living history museum of the national struggle with the size 80 x 80 meters wide, can accommodate around 500 visitors.

On all four sides of each room there are 12 window displays or dioramas devoted life events since the time of the ancestors of Indonesia. Entire walls, pillars and marble floors for a total of 48 dioramas. In addition, the amphitheater-shaped independence space located in the cup Monas monument, depicting the attribute map of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia archipelago, Independence Day, red and white flag and state emblem and the gate door that read the script Proclamation Independence of Republic Indonesia.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kuta Beach - Badung Regency

Kuta is a tourism place located south of Denpasar, the capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located in Badung regency. This area is a international tourist destination, and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 70's. Kuta Beach is often referred to as a beach sunset (sunset beach) as opposed to Sanur beach. Kuta beach is wide, clean white sand is the main attraction for tourists, so there is a saying, Come to Bali without visiting Kuta was incomplete.
In the twilight when the Sun began to set, Kuta scenery presents a very beautiful and romantic. While enjoying a refreshing blast of cool air, Kuta is often used where an exciting afternoon exercise. In 1930, Kokes promote Bali as well as Kuta, and inspire the development of architecture Kotij Hotels (cottages).
Now been able to become the center of Kuta Bali tourism, because it has been able to provide tourist facilities that needed such as inns and hotels, shopping centers, recreation areas, so vibrant nightlife, sports facilities and amenities such as bungy jumping, water boom, etc. . Tourism Indonesia Heaven o in Earth